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Effective document management with SharePoint & Outlook


Outlook is perhaps the most widely used application by knowledge workers and many organisations use SharePoint as their document management system. Despite this solid foundation, Outlook and SharePoint do not connect optimally. And this can be to the detriment of your investment in Microsoft 365. 

In my upcoming webinar, I will show you how to seamlessly integrate these two applications (and other Office 365 apps) for an intuitive user experience. This will make working with documents, emails and attachments from and to SharePoint much more efficient, resulting in higher user adoption and ROI.

  • Display of SharePoint & Teams environments via recognisable tree structure
  • Quick access from Outlook to the right locations, files & documents in SharePoint
  • Via drag and drop, save one or more e-mail messages and attachments to the appropriate SharePoint location (library, files, folder, etc.)
  • Document management functions of SharePoint (versioning, sharing, permissions, etc.) directly under the right mouse button
  • Increase SharePoint user adoption
  • Increase the Return on Investment of Office 365

Sign up webinar

Tuesday, 14 January 202511:00 (20 min)

Your presenter

The webinar will be presented by Sven van de Pol, information management expert at GeONE. Sven possesses a broad knowledge of information strategy and IT solutions, with a focus on SharePoint. At GeONE, he advises and supports organisations on their document and information management challenges.